The Way of Qigong
The Teachings of Kenneth S. Cohen
Qigong, Tai Chi, Taoism, Health, Tea & Cultural Arts
Articles and Interviews with Ken
As a China scholar and health educator, Kenneth Cohen has written over 200 articles for Qi Journal, Empty Vessel, Kung Fu Magazine, Yoga Journal, Alternative Medicine, and many other journals. While most articles are only available in print or back-issue archives, a small sample of free articles, video and audio clips and excerpts are available online.
Below are some links to some free online articles, excerpts, videos and audio clips about or written by Kenneth Cohen.
Chi Time Interviews with Qigong Master Kenneth Cohen
May 09, 2017
Ken was interviewed on by Clara Apollo of Chi Time Radio about the Primordial Qigong sequence he taught in Bournemouth, England on 23-26 June, 2016. To view the video, click on the link below or to read the full article, click here. An additional follow-up video interview on the "History of Qigong" can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwHfKk1_c1U.
The Paleo Power of Qigong
August 01, 2017
Below is the opening excerpt from the article "The Paleo Power of Qigong" by Kenneth Cohen published in Paleo Magazine (August 2017).
Our bodies are genetically programmed to assimilate foods that were natural to our environment for most of our human history. Likewise, qualities of posture, breathing, and movement are also programmed into our genetic-somatic memory, and the more accurately we recapture original qualities, the better our chances for optimal health and vitality.
The Internal Fighting Arts Podcast: An Interview with Qigong Master Ken Cohen
December 04, 2015
Listen to the interview with Ken Cohen online or download the file through this link to the Internal Fighting Arts podcast on Audello.
You can also subscribe to the podcast by going to the Internal Fighting Arts podcast on iTunes.
Kung Fu Cha: Peace and Power in a Cup of Tea
May 01, 2012
Below is the opening excerpt from the article "Kung Fu Cha: Peace and Power in a Cup of Tea" by Kenneth Cohen published in Kung Fu Magazine (May, 2012).
From 1976 until his passing in 1999, I was the principle apprentice to Taoist Abbot Huang Gengshi (born 1910). In addition to his training in Taoism, Dr. Huang was an acupuncturist, qigong master, and martial artist. He had been a student of the famed Tiger-Crane Master Lam Sai Wing, who had learned, in turn, from Wong Fei Hong. Dr. Huang was used to hard training and knew how to make the bone strengthening tonic wines as well as the tie da yao liniments necessary to treat martial injuries. But his real secret to health was in the little plastic baggie he carried everywhere he went. If we were having lunch in a restaurant, he would order hot water, then take out his baggie, and add the tea leaves in it to the cup.
Future Primitive Podcast "Experiencing Life Without Mediation"
July 31, 2015
In this episode, Ken Cohen speaks with Joanna about Daoism: more than philosophy and religion:origins and influences, key figures, branches, sacred places; a timeless tradition relevant for our times; a celebration of life; meeting Alan Watts, Zen and Daoism; painting the world with ancient Daoist poetry; Confucianism and patriarchy; a holistic way of life; preserving the Feminine and maintaining the balance; Daoist precepts, a different kind of ethical tradition; wu wei, allowing life to unfold; a heartfelt philosophy of interdependence; human doing/human being; experiencing life without mediation.
Meditations for InterSpiritual Practice: The Breath of Tao
January 24, 2011
This is a link to an excerpt from the book "Meditations for InterSpiritual Practice: Practices and Readings Drawn from the the World's Spiritual Traditions", Netanel Miles-Yepez, editor (2011), Ken Cohen contributed the chapter "The Breath of Tao".
February 28, 2013
Chinese Wisdom Studies. A brief description of the book "Esteemed Western Qigong Master Gao Han [Ken Cohen]: Emissary of the Dialogue between Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science" A collaborative project between Ken Cohen and author Zhang Qingsong, this book, in progress, is a direct result of publications by Ken Cohen that attracted the attention of Daoist 千峰派 lineage descendants of the renowned Daoist Master/Alchemist Zhao Bi Chen 趙避塵.