The Way of Qigong
The Teachings of Kenneth S. Cohen
Qigong, Tai Chi, Taoism, Health, Tea & Cultural Arts
Calendar of Events
Kenneth S. Cohen offers lectures, workshops, and classes as well as healing and consultations from his office/studio in Colorado (90 minutes from Denver Airport) as well as nationally and internationally.
All events are open to beginners. The schedule is regularly updated. For individual sessions or to host an event in your area, contact info@qigonghealing.com or call (720) 985-6445. To subscribe to the free e-newsletter & to receive notice of events, please join our mailing list by filling out the "Contact" section on this website.
Snake Qigong: Healing Power & Wisdom
April 8-13, 2025
Gray Bear Lodge - Hohenwald, Tennessee
Gentle movements that teach you how to become supple, relaxed, and flowing like the snake, filled with resilient life energy. In Taoism, of all the animals, the snake most clearly represents qi, the breath of life. Close to the ground, the snake knows the healing power of herbal medicine. But when the snake flies, he/she becomes the dragon, whose voice and dynamic energy manifests in thunder and lightning. You will learn all eight snake walking methods to improve posture, coordination, and flow and snake breathing to dissolve stagnation and increase vitality. Most importantly, snake qigong is a path to inner harmony and deep communion with our Mother Earth. Includes lodging and beautifully prepared meals to nourish body and soul, Gray Bear Lodge, a retreat center in the fragrant spring forests south of Nashville.
Registration: https://www.graybear.org/CohenS25.html
Primordial Qigong: Vibrant Health, Harmony with the Tao
April 21-25, 2025
Esalen Institute - Big Sur, California
After absorbing the essentials of balanced posture, alignment, and breathing, you’ll enjoy step-by-step
instruction in all 12 movements of Hunyuan (Primordial) Qigong. This comprehensive system of meditative energy exercises purges the body of toxic or stagnant qi (circulating life force), clears the
major acupuncture meridians, and teaches you how to gather and absorb qi from nature. The legacy of Ken's beloved teacher, Madame Gao Fu, in direct lineage from the founder of "medical qigong." Includes lodging, hot springs access, and delicious meals, at America's most famous retreat center, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Registration: https://esalen.secure.retreat.guru/program/primordial-qigong-vibrant-health-harmony-with-the-tao-2/?lang=en
Coiling Silk Qigong: Dissolve Tension, Renew Vitality
May 10-11, 2025
Glastonbury, England, UK
Coiling Silk (Chan Si Gong) is one of the most beautiful and enjoyable styles of qigong. The lovely circular movements, like the turning of a silk cocoon on a spindle, unwind energetic knots and dissolve areas of tension. Learn to gently open and close the joints, improve posture and breathing, and stimulate the life force, or qi, to flow without obstruction. To complement these techniques, we will practice Bagua Zhang “Walking the Circle,” an incredibly grounding and energizing exercise modeled on the dynamic spiraling power of the dragon. A perfect exercise to harmonize with the energy of Glastonbury’s mythic dragons! Finally, return to stillness as we learn tranquil qigong seated meditations. The workshop includes intensive practice and review, meditation, discussion, and breaks to wander and enjoy the mists, magic, shops, and qi of Avalon!
Registration: https://claraapollo.com/product/coiling-silk-qigong-grandmaster-ken-cohen/
Reclaiming Snake Healing Power & Wisdom
May 16-18, 2025
London, England, UK
Gentle movements that teach you how to become supple, relaxed, and flowing like the snake, filled with resilient life energy. In Taoism, of all the animals, the snake most clearly represents qi, the breath of life. Close to the ground, the snake knows the healing power of herbal medicine. But when the snake flies, he/she becomes the dragon, whose voice and dynamic energy manifests in thunder and lightning.
You will learn all eight snake walking methods to improve posture, coordination, and flow and snake breathing to dissolve stagnation and increase vitality. Most importantly, snake qigong is a path to inner harmony and deep communion with our Mother Earth.
Registration: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/alternatives/1373619
Yi Quan Qigong:
Moving Meditations for Vitality, Balance, & Inner Strength
June 1-6, 2025
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York
Enjoy this renowned and comprehensive system of healing exercises and meditations, the legacy of Master Wang Xiangzhai. Because of its extraordinary attention to posture, movement, breathing, and mindfulness, Yi Quan teaches the vocabulary upon which all qigong is based.
• How to stand and move like the eagle, bear, tiger, and turtle to promote mind/body harmony
• How to experiment with energy to encourage flow and creativity
• Simple routines to improve your ability in any sport
• Yi Quan Somatic Therapy to help a client or friend improve posture, coordination, and body awareness
• Yi Quan Healing Imagery to relax, develop core strength, and connect with the qi (life energy) of the cosmos
There also will be time for discussion of the philosophy and science of qigong. Beginners welcome. Easy access from Albany NY or New York City. Included: lodging and delicious meals, a tranquil retreat environment amidst the Catskill Mountains, forests, and lakes.
Registration: https://bit.ly/3ZZvJqC
Super Qi Weekend:
Energy Flow for Healing, Happiness, & Creative Resilience
with Ken Cohen, Michael Gelb, and Robert Peng
June 6-8, 2025
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York
This unique workshop is a living demonstration of the creative flow of qi as Michael, Robert, and Ken inspire and energize you, and one another, through their collaborative, joyful, and spontaneous approach to teaching. You experience simple elegant movements, guided visualizations, breathing exercises, and powerful group healing sessions complemented with informal dialogue and question-and-answer sessions.
Registration: https://www.eomega.org/workshops/super-qi-weekend?utm_source=gelb-et-al&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=gelb-et-al_OC_2025
Individual Classes, Training & Consultation
Private online and in-person sessions in Qigong, Tai Chi, Mediation and related, healing, contemplative, and martial arts. In-person private classes are offered at Ken's studio/office in the mountains 35 minutes from beautiful Boulder, Colorado (90 minutes from Denver International Airport).
For information and scheduling, please email info@qigonghealing.com or call 720-985-6445.